Track: Saratoga (Steeplechase - Slow)

Race #17, 7 furlongs NW3 Allowance for 4yo+ F/M, $40,000
Horse (Jockey) Lbs. Odds PP 2F 4F 6F Finish Equip SF
Tell Me Why (C. Killebrew) 130 4:1 8 1) 3/4 1) Nose 1) Nose 1) 4 1/4 W 281
Touch the Sky (T. Hales) 130 4:1 4 2) Head 2) Nose 3) Nose 2) 1/2 SR W 277
Carrowmore Lake (T. Jeffers) 130 4:1 3 3) 1/4 3) Nose 5) Nose 3) 2 3/4   277
Zipper In The Dark (C. Weiss) 130 4:1 6 4) 1/4 4) Nose 6) -- 4) 2 3/4 W F8 275
All Snowed In (B. Lillard) 127 4:1 2 5) 3/4 5) 2 1/4 2) Nose 5) 3 1/2 B W F8 NW 273
Amanda Fleet (R. Volge) 130 4:1 1 6) 2 6) 4 4) Nose 6) 6 1/4 SR W NW 270
Mayday Landing (C. Stallworth) 125 4:1 5 7) 4 7) 7 7) 11 7) 12 SR W F8 264
Pieppy (C. Paro) 127 30:1 7 8) -- 8) -- 8) -- 8) -- B 252

Fractional Times:   0:00.000   0:17.995   0:58.790  

Finish Time: 1:00.320

Carrowmore Lake has swelling in her right hind leg. Rest is recommended.