Track: Australia (Steeplechase - Good)

Race #19, 11.5 furlongs Allowance for 4yo+, $70,000
Horse (Jockey) Lbs. Odds PP 2F 4F 6F 8F 10F Finish Equip SF
Drinking Game (T. Hales) 129 4:1 2 1) Head 1) Nose 2) Nose 2) Nose 2) Nose 1) Nose B 94
Innit to Oscillate (R. Volge) 132 4:1 5 3) 1/4 3) Nose 1) Nose 1) Nose 1) Nose 2) Nose B W 94
Long Road To Ruin (J. Pine) 129 3:1 4 2) Nose 2) Nose 3) Nose 5) -- 5) -- 3) 5 B SR W NW 94
Almost Prideful (B. Lillard) 132 4:1 3 4) Nose 4) Nose 4) Nose 3) Nose 3) Nose 4) 3/4 B NW 88
Cheerful Silver (K. Schaeffer) 129 4:1 6 5) 10 3/4 5) 17 1/4 5) 17 1/2 4) Nose 4) Nose 5) 52 1/4 F8 88
SOCK OF USA (C. Weiss) 129 4:1 1 6) -- 6) -- 6) -- 6) -- 6) -- 6) -- B 36

Fractional Times:   0:00.000   0:00.000   0:30.490   1:25.345   2:47.765  

Finish Time: 2:53.230
