Track: Woodbine (Dirt - Fast)

Race #36, 6.5 furlongs Allowance for 3yo+ F/M, $35,000
Horse (Jockey) Lbs. Odds PP 2F 4F 6F Finish Equip SF
Love In The Night (D. Packard) 130 4:1 7 1) Head 1) 1/4 1) 1/4 W 129
Jersey Girl (A. Pipkin) 132 4:1 4 3) 1/4 3) 2 2) Head W NW 129
What's That Power (C. Nielson) 132 4:1 1 2) Nose 2) Nose 3) 2 1/2   129
Smiling Partner (J. Cohn) 130 5:1 3 4) Dead Heat 4) Dead Heat 4) Neck F8 127
Empire Day (R. Dove) 132 4:1 6 5) Nose 5) Neck 5) 1/4 W 127
Sahara (G. Macintosh) 132 4:1 5 6) Neck 6) Neck 6) 1/4 F8 NW 127
Hurricane Election (J. Black) 132 4:1 2 7) -- 7) -- 7) -- SR F8 127

Fractional Times:   0:26.995   0:53.995  

Finish Time: 1:27.865
