Black Cherry
View Pedigree
Hypothetical Mating
FFCh. High Chances (S) GCh. Highland Laird (S)
Second Chance (P)
Cherry Flavoured (G) Created

Name:FFCh. Black Cherry
DOB:May 5, 2013
Location Bred:NY, USA
Markings:RF Ermine, RH Coronet, LH Ermine
Breeder:Cricket Hill
Owner:Cricket Hill
Location: Cricket Hill (NY, USA)
Stud Fee:$15,000
This stud is allowed 30 outside mares.
This stud is allowed 1 mare per stable.
This stud does require approval from the owner to breed.
This stud is nominated for the Breeders' Cup for 2030
Sale Price:Not for sale
Track Record: Mult. Stakes Winner, Mult. Stakes Placed, Multi-Millionaire
Breeding Ranking: Sire: Bronze (2.6) | Broodmare Sire: None
Chef-de-Race (I)

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